Audio Adrenaline and Mercy Me
Tallahassee, Fl.
April 13, 2007
I can't wait--this is going to be great! It will also be bittersweet because I love Audio Adrenaline and this will be the last time I will see them as a band. Mark Stewart, Audio A's lead singer, is losing his voice. Doctors have told him that if he keeps on singing, he will lose his voice, singing and talking, for good! He pours himself 100% into every show and every song. He and the rest of Audio A are
committed followers of Christ and have a humongous heart for the lost! So it will be somewhat emotional for me to be there. Now, you're probably thinking what is a 52 year old man doing at an Audio A concert and, no doubt, will probably get 'choked up' at some point? Well, I have only been saved going on 12 years and Audio Adrenaline was one of the first Christian bands that I found out there rocking for Jesus. They play my kind of music and sing about my Jesus and His great love for us all. I have never been to one of their concerts and the Gospel wasn't preached. Mark and the guys have a way of connecting with the youth, (and me), and these guys are really 'real' in their Christian walk. I have followed their success for the last 10 years or so, and love them as sons in the faith. I met them backstage a few years ago in Jacksonville and though we talked briefly, I could discern their heart for the ministry of reaching these kids, and old goats like me, with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Watch Audio A video

Mercy Me will there also. These guys used to lead worship for Shepherd Ministries and Mark Matlock at Student Life Conferences. I used to drive the church bus to Lakeland, FL every year to the conference. Great times for sure! These guys are 'real' in their faith as well. I once prayed with them in a group prayer before opening the conference one year, and the Spirit definitely showed up where '2 or 3' had gathered. Good memories. In fact, the song "I Can Only Imagine" was sung several years at the conferences before it became a national hit. It even played on secular stations!
So, if you're in Tallahassee 04/13/07 at the Leon Co. Civic Ctr., look me up in Floor Section 1, Row G, and standing in front of seat 14! I can't wait! be continued for sure
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