Saturday, March 24, 2007
Reason To Live
A secular song by Hoobastank, is beautifully re-directed to our Savior in this video. The following is taken from a review posted at
The truth is our story is just a small part of a much larger story. It's a story that began with the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed God, this act we call sin brought consequences. Humans went from a close communion with God to being separated.
We all recognize our sinfulness. When we get angry, when we disobey our parents, when we hurt others around us and lie, cheat, steal, you name it, we find a way to do it. Hoobastank, too recognizes this truth, in their new album The Reason the title song, Reason states…
I'm not a perfect person
As many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
We all fall short, we all cannot live and be perfect. We cannot earn our way back to God. We cannot reach out and pursue God on our own. This is where things change. The good news is the story did not end there. God's ultimate story began to unfold. God demonstrated His love, patience, and justice to all mankind.
Knowing that God is perfect in His justice, He requires that sin be dealt with. But because we (humans) cannot pay the price, He sent His Son to be the sacrifice on our own behalf. Jesus died so that we may have life eternal with God. If we accept this price Christ paid on our behalf and are willing to surrender to God our will our self and we put it ‘to death' we can become ‘born again'. We are born again spiritually and become a new creation in Christ. It is at this point that we are restored back into a relationship with the God who created us.
Understanding this story means we recognize that Christ had to come, He had to pay our price with His life. He conquered sin and death once and for all. He was willing to come and let mankind beat him, strip him and brutally murder Him on the cross. He willingly did this, because it was the only way that we could be reconciled with God.
The song continues…
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
Hoobastank did not intend these lyrics to be directed to Christ, but it is again through the lens of the good news of Christ this song means much more to us. We too have found a reason, a reason to change from who we used to be, to become someone new. We understand that because of our sin, Christ was hurt and we personally put him through the pain and death. But our life will begin anew, and we will have purpose, meaning and hope in knowing we will one day be with our God.
So there we have it, a grand story that our one small story plays a part. Are you willing to search for this? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to gain everything? To make the ultimate decision so that “all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing”...
Saturday, March 3, 2007
"God Is Crazy About You" tour

Last night was a hoot! Me, my kids and a close friend went to see Mark Lowry and company at North Jacksonville Baptist Church and had a ball!! Great singing and rib-busting laughs, yet all the while, praising and worshipping our great God! Mark is extremely gifted and blessed by God with a stage presence that holds your attention with fun and laughter, then 'preaches' in a way that all can understand. It was definitely a "Come and look at God" show and not one of those "Look at me" shows. You know what I mean. For a ADHD kid, God is really using him in a wonderful way. Check his website for more on the tour with Lord Song, who BTW, were great.
Next week, we're going to see Ken Davis. Another God-filled, rib-busting night for sure. God is SO GOOD. Later. Dave
UPDATE 3/11/07.......Just as expected, we had a great night with Ken Davis. His stories are so funny, yet so inspirational! Most of his stories I had heard before, (I think I own about every VHS or DVD he has ever made), but they are still funny. I was having a great time laughing at the people around me that were laughing at him! You never forget the first time you hear this guy. I love the fact too, that all ages of people were there. A little glimpse of heaven! I wish you could have been there with me--maybe next time. C-ya, Dave
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