"There is much that the omnipotent Creator cannot do.
- He cannot sin.
- He cannot contradict Himself.
- He cannot make a mistake.
- He cannot fail.
- He cannot tempt anyone with evil or be tempted with evil, etc.
- He cannot forgive sin unless the penalty is paid or accepted, for to do so without the payment would violate His justice.
- He cannot cause anyone to love Him,
- He cannot cause anyone to receive the gift of salvation in Christ, for to do so would destroy the very essence of love and of a gift.
That is the whole point of the Bible, 'Choose you this day whom you will serve...'; 'Whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely...'; 'If any man will let him come'; etc., over and over and over from Genesis to Revelation. Love must come from the heart, which is why God gave man the power of choice--otherwise we could not love Him. A gift must be received, and that also requires a choice on the part of the recipient. Deny that and you have turned the Bible into a charade, with God pleading with people to turn to Him whom He has already decided not to save and in fact has predestined to eternal doom from eternity past"
--Dave Hunt - July 2003 - The Berean Call
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