Sunday, December 3, 2006

Newsboys in concert!

A preacher's kid loaned me his copy the Newsboy's cd "Take Me To Your Leader" back in 1996. I've been a fan ever since. They play rock, pop, and worship style music. They lift up Jesus and boldly proclaim His message in their music and concerts. I guess I'm a Newsboys 'groupie', but that's OK, they love Jesus and that's what I'm about too! Check 'em out.

I drove (3 1/2 hrs.) to Cypress Gardens Dec. 2 for my latest concert. I wish I had some friends along, but not this trip. I quickly made new friends as the seats were not too wide and my new friends were not skinny. My big ole butt didn't help either :)

The first time I saw Duncan and the rotating drumkit was on the "Step Up To the Microphone" tour in Jax. FL in '98. WOW, what a show! Not only does this thing rotate, it tilts! The only drumkit I know of that has seatbelts.

Click the following link to open the Newsboys Radio player and take a listen!

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