Monday, July 19, 2010

Lazy Dave

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted much lately. Eh.... oh well. From what is on here, you can get an idea of how I see things. :) I have been spending too much time on Facebook I reckon? Have a great day. Love Jesus, it will change your life!


Anonymous said...

Read your blog and was amazed at how parallel your marriage is/was to mine. Much time, effort and energy poured into work, then sports, then me. He is unable to connect on an emotional level to me or his kids, who are adults. It's sad to watch, and even sadder to still participate every day. God does have a way of getting us to see ourselves, all of the ugliness included, yet use us for His glory. Maybe you should think about writing material for men on how to better connect with their spouse. Trust me, it's much needed in this world. Keep blogging and blessings to you each day. Joy said...

Thanks Joy. Sometimes it takes a jolt to get someone to 'see the Light'. I am just SO glad that God can take the mess that WE have made and bring GLORY to Himself through it as we turn our hearts and lives to Him! I believe God can still hit the target with a crooked arrow, so continue to pray for your former (?) mate. God bless.... David