Monday, November 27, 2006

See you later Mr. Avery

Today, Monday at 2am, an old friend passed away. Garner Avery is presently with the Lord. The Bible says that 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord'. The body left behind to be laid to rest, probably Thursday, is just an empty shell. Mr. Avery, he's with the Lord. I'll always be grateful to Mr. Avery, for his kindness and gentleness, his Godly love for all people. I have never heard him speak rudely of anybody in the 37 years I'm known him. He served his Lord unashamedly. He was "Mr. Branford" to me. He knew so much about our little town. I uplift prayers for his widow, Mrs. Freddie, for comfort and strength at this time. I will miss seeing him in church. He was always faithful to be there, even when he could hardly get up that morning. He loved Jesus and he loved me. I will see him in Heaven one day and he'll be glad to see me, and you too I pray. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved..." Acts 16:31

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