Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Things God CANNOT do

Here's a worthy quote I came across that addresses the topic of predestination, which I am not going into a long, drawn out debate from either side. Calvinist or Armenian? Let's keep Jesus and His Gospel the main thing! But, with that said, I agree with following statement. -Dave

"There is much that the omnipotent Creator cannot do.
  1. He cannot sin.
  2. He cannot contradict Himself.
  3. He cannot make a mistake.
  4. He cannot fail.
  5. He cannot tempt anyone with evil or be tempted with evil, etc.
  6. He cannot forgive sin unless the penalty is paid or accepted, for to do so without the payment would violate His justice.
  7. He cannot cause anyone to love Him,
  8. He cannot cause anyone to receive the gift of salvation in Christ, for to do so would destroy the very essence of love and of a gift.

That is the whole point of the Bible, 'Choose you this day whom you will serve...'; 'Whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely...'; 'If any man will let him come'; etc., over and over and over from Genesis to Revelation. Love must come from the heart, which is why God gave man the power of choice--otherwise we could not love Him. A gift must be received, and that also requires a choice on the part of the recipient. Deny that and you have turned the Bible into a charade, with God pleading with people to turn to Him whom He has already decided not to save and in fact has predestined to eternal doom from eternity past"

--Dave Hunt - July 2003 - The Berean Call

Monday, November 27, 2006

See you later Mr. Avery

Today, Monday at 2am, an old friend passed away. Garner Avery is presently with the Lord. The Bible says that 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord'. The body left behind to be laid to rest, probably Thursday, is just an empty shell. Mr. Avery, he's with the Lord. I'll always be grateful to Mr. Avery, for his kindness and gentleness, his Godly love for all people. I have never heard him speak rudely of anybody in the 37 years I'm known him. He served his Lord unashamedly. He was "Mr. Branford" to me. He knew so much about our little town. I uplift prayers for his widow, Mrs. Freddie, for comfort and strength at this time. I will miss seeing him in church. He was always faithful to be there, even when he could hardly get up that morning. He loved Jesus and he loved me. I will see him in Heaven one day and he'll be glad to see me, and you too I pray. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved..." Acts 16:31

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Hello whoever you are. Welcome to my first web log, aka my blog. Not sure what to write at the moment, hmm, well... but I welcome any comments. Keep it clean or it will deleted. To be continued...